October 2024

“Making Aid Work for Displaced Women: Methodological Innovations in Integrating Islamic Philanthropy with the International Humanitarian System”

Muslim Philanthropy Initiative, Indiana University
the Contemporary Discussions on Philanthropy Symposium in Istanbul
May 2024

“Adaptive religious coping: Implications for practice and policy.” Modern Slavery Spring Forum.

The Salvation Army and Wilberforce Institute.
July 2023

“Sexual and Gender-based Violence from Displacement to Refuge: Conceptualising Violence, Harm and Forced Migrant Resistance” Panel Organiser/Chair and individual presentation: “Religious engagement in protection from gender-based violence in forced migration: an intersectional and ecological perspective”

IMISCOE Annual Conference
July 2023

“Religion, Forced Migration and Gender-Based Violence: An Intersectional and Ecological Analysis”

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne
July 2023

“Adapted Religious Coping: Strategies and Effects in Experiences of Gender-Based Violence and Forced Displacement”

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne
February 2023

“The impacts of war and disaster: the continuum of violence along forced migrant routes. Can refugee journeys be safer?”

Riyad International Humanitarian Forum
Saudi Arabia
September 2022

“The Continuum of Sexual and Gender-based Violence from Displacement to Refuge: Findings from the SEREDA Project”

Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) Forum
Cancun, Mexico
July 2022

“Religion, forced migration and gender-based violence: an intersectional and ecological analysis”

Migration, Ethnicity and Diversity Research Group Annual Conference.
Cardiff University
May 2022

“Adapted religious coping mechanisms among forced migrant survivors of sexual and gender- based violence”

Refugee Mental Health and Place Conference
Kings College, London
May 2022

“Vulnerability or resilience? Exploring intersecting identities in forced migrant experiences of gender-based violence from an intersectional and socioecological perspective”

The Migration, Identity and Translation Network
Warwick University and Monash University
May 2022

“Ukrainian refugees at risk: Gender-based violence in forced displacement”

Expert Panel “How do we protect Ukrainian refugees from human trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation?” Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies
University of Warsaw
July 2021

““We are Forgotten”: Forced Migration, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, and Coronavirus Disease-2019”

IASFM 18 Conference. Disrupting Theory, Unsettling Practice: Towards Transformative Forced Migration Scholarship and Policy.
 University of Ghana.